12020 University City Blvd
Harrisburg NC 28075
Begin Your Journey to Better Health

Neuropathy is also known as peripheral neuropathy because of its effect on the body’s sensory and motor nerves.

Spinal Decompression
If you are suffering from lower back and neck pain, sciatica pain, or bulging discs, gentle spinal decompression may be the answer for you.
Class IV Laser Therapy
Class IV Laser Therapy is an alternative that more people are turning to.
IASTM/Graston Technique
IASTM, or Graston Technique, utilizes specialized instruments to mobilize soft tissue, aiding in musculoskeletal rehabilitation.
PEMF Therapy
PEMF Therapy employs electromagnetic fields to stimulate cellular activity, promoting healing and pain relief in various medical conditions.

Knee Pain
Chiropractic care for knee pain involves targeted adjustments to promote the natural healing of the knee joint.
Computerized Chiropractic
Computerized chiropractic utilizes advanced technology optimizing patient care and outcomes.
Webster Pregnancy Technique
The Webster Pregnancy Technique involves chiropractic adjustments aimed at supporting pelvic alignment and optimizing comfort for expectant mothers.
Trigenics combines manual therapy, exercise, and neurology to enhance muscle function, reduce pain, and improve mobility.

Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic primarily focuses on spinal adjustments to improve overall health and wellness.

#1 Amazon Best Seller
About The Book
Breakthrough To Healing" by Dr. Andrew Segarra, DC, is a revolutionary book that delves into the art and science of understanding the body's signals. This insightful guide proposes that our bodies constantly communicate about their state of health, and it is the doctor's role to decode these messages. Dr. Segarra introduces the concept of "The Web Of Dysfunction," a comprehensive framework comprising seven critical areas that, when examined, provide essential information for determining the best course of action for health and healing.
Chiropractor Harrisburg NC
Welcome to Harrisburg Chiropractic and Wellness Center located in Harrisburg NC. At Harrisburg Chiropractic and Wellness Center, we strive to give you an experience that focuses on a person’s individual needs and wants. Whether your goal is the ability to pick up your children, sit at your desk, go for a walk or play a round of golf without pain, our clinic is the place for you. You may be interested in achieving optimal health and Harrisburg NC chiropractor Andrew Segarra wants you to utilize us as a resource in getting there.
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Harrisburg Chiropractic And Wellness Center
I made the decision to become a Harrisburg NC chiropractor in 2001. It was a fast growing community that did not have a chiropractor. Serving the community as an alternative healthcare practitioner has been my calling and has been beyond rewarding.
Our office is not only about adjusting your spine. I am certified in treating a wide range of conditions and focus on muscles and soft tissue that may need to be lengthened or strengthened. I am certified in soft tissue techniques called Trigenics and Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (Scraping). We are getting better and faster results since implementing both techniques. I have extensive training with the Advanced Functional Neurology Institute. All of these trainings have allowed me to treat conditions such as Peripheral Neuropathy, bone on bone degenerative knees and rotator cuff conditions/Frozen Shoulder, among others.
Manual Adjustments
Often people are scared to see a chiropractor. They are turned off by the “cracking, popping and twisting” involved with manual adjustments. We do offer manual adjusting and get great results utilizing that technique, but there are alternatives. We utilize computerized technology that pulsates or vibrates on the involved areas without the cracking and popping. ProAdjuster and Rapid Release consistent and comfortable.
Why Our Approach is Different?
If you are in pain and want to avoid taking drugs or surgery we may be the place for you. There is never a charge for you to sit down and talk with me to find out if we can help. It’s also a bonus that most insurance plans are accepted by our office and we offer flexible payment plans. There’s no obligation. All you have to lose is the pain. Contact us today. We are located on Highway 49/University City Blvd at the county line next to NAPA Auto Parts.

The History of Chiropractic Care
The word "Chiropractic" is derived from the Greek words "cheir" (hand) and "praktos" (done) combined to mean "done by hand." It was chosen by the developer of chiropractic care, Daniel David Palmer. In 1895, D.D. Palmer performed a chiropractic adjustment on a partially deaf janitor, Harvey Lillard, who later reported that his hearing had improved due to the change.
D.D. Palmer opened the first chiropractic school two years later, and in the century since, chiropractic professionals have used spinal adjustments to help people prevent and cope with back pain, carpal tunnel, muscle strain, headaches and migraines, and a variety of other physical ailments. Millions of people benefit from the work of Dr. Palmer today.